07967 734151 jon@mojoexec.co.uk


MOJO Executive Services works with public and private sector organisations throughout Yorkshire, the North West and North East England, delivering professional financial consultancy with a proven track record of achieving impressive results.

Many organisations do not have the requirement for a full-time finance director, but there may come a time where this role is necessary to guide the organisation through difficult or unexpected circumstances. For businesses of any size requiring an interim finance director, Jon will take on responsibility for all financial and commercial activities within the organisation, reporting directly to the CEO or managing director.

This role may include:

  • management of a finance team
  • management of back office functions such as HR and IT
  • management of all audit and legal requirements
  • ownership and direction of all budget requirements
  • strong contribution to the business plan
  • managing risk
  • working closely with the Board to improve organisational operations

0697For SMEs (small to medium enterprises) requiring an interim managing director to provide strong and effective leadership, Jon can work closely with the whole team in in the role of managing director, adding value to the business and covering the following functions:

  • management of a finance team
  • management of back office functions such as HR and IT
  • management of all audit and legal requirements
  • ownership and direction of all budget requirements
  • strong contribution to the business plan
  • managing risk
  • working closely with the Board to improve organisational operations

0682Profit margins can make or break a business. Jon is highly experienced in working with senior management teams to improve the profitability of a business or organisation by reducing or eliminating unnecessary expenditure.

This role may include:

  • In-depth review of all services and consequently concentrating the work of the business on profitable products and services.
  • In-depth review of loss-making activities and investigation of options to either make these streams profitable or recommend closure to prevent further losses.

0671Implementing wide-reaching and effective changes in the structure, processes or management of an organisation can be a slow process which can often be met with resistance or resentment if handled incorrectly. Jon has the skills, knowledge and experience to lead effective commercial management within an organisation to add commercial value and improve the ways of working, by refining processes and procedures and adopting best practise techniques.

Jon will work closely with key personnel to encourage them to by into the change and ensure they have the tools required to enable them to perform their job role more effectively.

Jon’s key professional strengths include:

strategic planning and decision making

increased profitability via growth strategy & cost management

strong leadership


change management and continuous improvement

team work and effective staff management


plc financial control and reporting

high level commercial experience

senior team performance in £250m+ bids

high performance in challenging environments

corporate restructuring